Hotel Tango gives back to our troops this Veterans Day and provides toys to the children of those who serve this holiday season during its upcoming Veterans Day and iconic Salute to Santa events. Veterans Day This Veterans Day, Friday, November 11, the veteran-owned Indy spirits brand is giving back to veterans through Camaraderie For a Cause. For every bottle of Hotel Tango Bourbon sold in participating stores, Hotel Tango will donate $1 to the Irreverent Warriors Foundation, whose mission is to bring veterans together using humor to improve mental health and prevent veteran suicide. Customers can also enjoy camaraderie and entertainment across Hotel Tango tasting rooms to celebrate Veterans Day: Fletcher Place: 10% of sales on Friday, Nov. 11, and Saturday, Nov. 12, will go to the local Irreverent Warriors chapter. A Liberty call with the Irreverent Warriors at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 11 Free pizzas for all veterans and active military on Friday, Nov. 11, 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Entertainment from The Last Alpaca Band, an active military reserve indie rock band A limited supply of Red, White and Bourbon bottles on sale on Friday, Nov. 11, and Saturday, Nov. 12 Zionsville: Free pizza for Veterans on Friday, Nov. 11. 10% of sales on Friday, Nov. 11, and Saturday, Nov. 12, will go to the local Irreverent Warriors chapter Fort Wayne: From 12- 8 p.m. in the Fort Wayne tasting room (10212 Chestnut Plaza Dr, Fort Wayne, IN 46814), customers can also enjoy: 10% of sales on Friday, Nov. 11 will be donated to the local VFW 10006 to go towards their Toys for Tots Drive. A Liberty call will be led by veterans. Free pizzas for all veterans and active military Salute To Santa This holiday season, Hotel Tango is bringing back its iconic holiday pop-up bar, Salute to Santa! This festive event sells out quickly, and tickets are on sale now! The Foxhole will be fully decked out with holiday decor and crafting on-theme specialty cocktails every Friday-Sunday starting Dec. 2 through Dec. 24. The pop-up bar will also be an official toy drop location for the Marine Corps Toys for Tots program. For more information visit: |