From the moment you check in, allow yourself to check out for a while. Don’t we all need a little break from life?
When it’s time to hit the pause button for a few days, French Lick Resort is a blissful escape to experience life as it should be: on your own terms. Maybe it’s morning coffee on the veranda and a stroll through the historic gardens. An afternoon at the spa, unwinding with that massage you’ve been promising yourself. An evening under the famed West Baden Springs Hotel — headphones in, cocktail in one hand, good book in the other — savoring that precious quiet time.
All of it comes with French Lick Resort’s pledge that cleanliness and guest safety are the #1 priority. So go ahead. Explore 3,000+ acres of wide-open spaces that were made for social distancing. Sleep in. Tune out. Recharge, refresh. And find a little clarity when you lose yourself for a bit at the French Lick Resort.